HOWTO: LDAP Configuration
This page will guide you to the process of integrating your LDAP SSO with Reemo.
How To Enable LDAP in Reemo
In PrivateCloud, OnPrem, Enterprise environment, if you have selected the global settings : LDAP Sign in per Organization, LDAP must be enabled and configured in the Connectors section of each organization. For instance wide LDAP configuration, please go to the Connectors section of the Admin Area.
Server Configuration
Inside your Organization, you need to configure a new LDAP Connector:
Friendly Name: Name for your LDAP server
Protocol: LDAP or LDAPS
Host: IP Address of the LDAP server
Port: Port of the LDAP server
Bind DN: User binding to the LDAP server
Password: Password of the user binding to the LDAP server
Base: Base to search for users and logins
Attributes Mapping
UID: Unique identifier field
Username: Username field
Email: Email field
Full Name: Full Name field
Declare your LDAP Users
After configuring your LDAP server, you must provision your user from your LDAP server inside your organization. You can provision users inside your organization through the “Provision LDAP User” button:
A popup will invite you to search your users and provision them inside your organization.
LDAP Sign-in
Once your users are provisioned, they can log through your LDAP by visiting the following url: